A quote to live by
Time for a mid-year re-set?
"That's not right"
Could your life use a detox?
Now of course, body de-toxing is great. Illuminating sugar or coffee or alcohol or starch or whatever is making you sluggish is always a good idea but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about a life-detox and it is actually simpler to do than you might think. Here is the steps to life detox..
"It tastes the sky"
But this year, our official “adopted” son returned and brought his parents with him. Again, it was magical and the connection between us all is now even deeper. There were so many awesome moments during their visit but one of my favs was a phrase they would use whenever food tasted particularly good. They would take a bite and suddenly “Ca goûte le ciel!” which does not make total sense in English but loosely translates to “It tastes the sky!”…