Remember me?

Remember me?


I took a “little” break from blogging.  Two years is a long time to go on hiatus for anything but truly sometimes stopping something opens other doors of creativity.  Or allows space to just BE amidst all the DO-ing.


So I have been BE-ing quiet.


But as I wind down another year I always get super reflective amidst all my bookkeeping.  There is something (almost) meditative about preparing my year-end.  I avoid it like the plaque all year but when I finally force myself to sit with my invoices and receipts and bills and statements I am always 100% of the time overcome with GRATITUDE, MELANCHOLY and PRIDE.


All these pieces of paper leave a trail of what my business has been up to all year.  Who I have coached, what organizations I have spoken to, what kind of gifts I gave to people, have many flights I booked, my own professional development and the sleuth of receipts that reflect Mindset Coaching 2023.  Perhaps you have been putting off some paperwork as well?  This is the perfect time to git er done, tackle that year end and clear away all the clutter from your office in preparation for the new year.  It feels so good!


Speaking of feeling good, this year one of my goals was to get my little self into a cold body off water every week this year.  Lots of lake dipping and ocean dipping was had this year and now I am just a few weeks away from hitting this goal – I am currently at 47/52 weeks!  But these last ones are going to be CHILLY!

How about you?  Smash any goals this year?  Love to hear.


The in-between

There is something weird in the air in the week between Christmas and New years.  There is lots of pressure to start setting goals, intentions or make plans for an epic next year.  Then there is the pressure to start eating clean-er or drinking less or start exercising with a vengeance and get a head start on your new year habits you plan to commit to.


This may fly in the face of all the possible better-ing-yourself things you could be doing but this is what I recommend you do the week before New Year’s:




Just BE in the in between.  Be present.  With your people.  With your life.  With yourself.  And see what bubbles up.


The rush to start doing and planning gets in the way of the most important step in having a great year: BE-ing.


The art of doing nothing is not easy -especially if you are an over-achiever or a big planner type but just to be clear doing nothing is not lazy.  Far from it.  It is a powerful state where much clarity, energy and knowing can be harness.


Think of it like your version of ‘savasana’  - one of the simplest and most difficult postures in yoga.  Laying and just breathing without active thinking is tough which is why all those other poses help get you tired enough to drop into savasana and surrender to the whole point of yoga: BE-ing.


If you can find ways to BE then what you want to DO and HAVE can become clear.


So here’s to doing as much nothing as you can before you decide on all the somethings you want next year.


Happy New Year!


Does this inspire you?

Here in Kelowna, BC Canada where I live fall just arrived. 

It is warm today so it feels like summer is still lingering but there is that unmistakeable crispness in the air that signals the season is changing. I love fall.  Digging out my favourite sweaters.  The colours of the tress.  The harvest soups in my crock pot.  That back-to-school- feeling.  I love it all. 

How about you?  Do you have a favourite season? 

I am a big fan of using the energy of the season to match my business goals. In the winter I do a lot of hibernating, restoring and planning.  In the spring I like to create and launch new ideas.  In the summer I like to do less, rest and play in the sun.  But in the fall, I like to WORK!  I feel inspired to be in my office.  I feel inspired to write.  I feel inspired to help people grow their teams, grow their business and most of all, grow their JOY (because without that, everything else is harder).

Love to know what brings YOU joy? Do share.


I'm baaaaaack. Sort of.

Did you ever have a bad day that turned into a year?


Hello!  Remember me?  Well if there is one thing you can count on these days it is me not inundating you with blogs!  Sorry for not keeping in touch.  Truth be told, I haven’t had much to say. 


Last year was rough.  Not like ICU kind of rough.  But my own personal shit storm.  Just before the pandemic hit I had all sorts of big lofty goals.  In January I revamped my website, created a new speaker package, hired a marketing team, connected with speaker brokers and planned to visit every province in Canada that had an event I could speak at.


Oh hello Covid.


When the first lock down first rolled out, I was okay.  We got our daughter home from college and hunkered down with our little family.  We ate meals together, had movie nights and filled an entire file folder with score sheets of a card game we became obsessed with (It’s called “oh hell” - warning, it is  very difficult to play without copious amounts of swearing). But we were all doing good in our little bubble for the first month or so.


But then things globally got a whole lot worse and all the restrictions and closures did not look like they were going away any time soon.  And then my business model completely collapsed.  All events? Cancelled.  Live speaking?  Cancelled.  Coaching?  Everyone wanted to take a ‘pause’ until the world re-set. Uh-oh…


But the world did not re-set.


And so I found myself - except for a handful of clients – with A LOT of (mostly unwanted) free time on my hands.  I had no idea when things were going to turn around.  People in my industry were re-inventing.  Shifting. Pivoting.  Learning how to create online events and platforms and green screens and home studios.  And I sort of half-heartedly did this.  But mostly I just became more depressed.  I could not seem to muster the energy to re-invent myself. And if that wasn’t bad enough, I had this wonderful little voice in my head berating me. “What’s wrong with you?”  “Snap out of it!”  “Use the tools”.   “Look at all the books you have on re—invention? READ one!”  “Are you still floundering around? Loser.  Get your shit together.”


As you can imagine, this self-talk was not helpful.


And here I am one year later.  I would love to say everything is awesome.  The depression has lifted, my business is rocking and I am totally myself again.  Um…no.  But things are better and I will tell you why.


I made a list.


Now I am and always will be a list girl.  Not on my phone.  On a piece of paper that I can write on and check off when I am done.  If it goes on my list, there is 99% chance I will do it because I just love the feeling of crossing it off.  Maybe that’s weird but I go with what works.


I notice when I am feeling depressed I do not make lists.  Or I if I do make a list, they have very meaningless things on them. So in order to shift I knew I had to make different lists.  So I decided that I would do three things every day that had meaning in the following categories:






I knew the soul list was the most important because it was the most neglected.  So I put things on it like “listen to music”, “pause”, “get outside” or “bake bread” ( Incredibly I baked over 200 loaves of sourdough last year!).


The biz list was also important because I kept waiting to “feel like working on it”.  It felt like a had 100 things to do to create some momentum but it overwhelmed me so I did none of them.  Finally I started listening to Mel Robbins and her lego-brick analogy to just do one thing.  Even though only doing one thing seemed like it might take me until 2022 to resuscitate my business, I committed to doing it (secretly hoping this one step would lead to taking a few others).  My biz list was painfully simple.  But any time I did one thing, I celebrated “Attagirl!  You got this!” (vs. shaming “Is that ALL you are going to do today?”).


Side bar – I have also learned a great technique for quieting the berating-ass-kicker in me. I talk to it like a dog.  Of my dog mis-beaves or won’t stop barking, I use an old Cesar Milan  technique and issue a sharp “shhh!”.  If the behaviour still continues I add “that’s enough!”.  This same technique works wonders with my inner bitch.


Last, is my personal list.  This is the easiest one as I almost always feel like doing stuff on it and fool myself that my soul or business or my depression will get better just by doing them, but never the less, if I can’t seem to move on my soul or biz list, I will get some energy moving with a personal list item  -  “do laundry” , “vacuum”, “walk dogs” or even “put on ‘real’ clothes”.  Not exactly big things, but like I said, whatever works and crossing ANYTHING off my list makes me feel good.


So that’s me.


Maybe you needed to read that not everyone has it together.  Maybe you needed permission to just do one thing.  Or maybe you just needed a “What to go!  You got this!” for however you got through the last 365+ days.


How are YOU?  I would love to know.


A case for not thinking BIG

If you have read anything in the personal development world, virtually everyone says the same thing.  Think BIG.  Cast a HUGE vision for your life.  Breakthrough your SMALL mindedness.

And on it goes.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love big dreams, big goals and big ideas.  But there is one thing that many of those big-idea people neglect to tell you.  Think BIG can lead to one very sneaky downfall.


If we only think big, the steps to get there are also…big.  The gap between when you are and where you want to be are…big too.  And before you know it, you have done absolutely nothing to get on your big journey.

Which is why, after you make a BIG, hairy audacious goal, the very next step is to think small.  Simply ask yourself this question:

What is a tiny step I can do today to move in the direction of my goal? 

  • Have a health goal?  Download a fitness or wellness tracking app.

  • Have an idea for a new business?  Ask a mentor to chat with you about it.

  • Have a challenge in your relationship?  Listen to a podcast.

  • Want to change your finances?  Read the best book you can find on money mindset.

Of course, none of these steps are the only steps you will take.  But the magic of taking a tiny step will lead you to your next question:

What is a tiny step I can do today to move in the direction of my goal?

Yep.  The same question.  Keep asking it.  Over and over until you create this wonderful thing called momentum.

Think BIG.  Start small.



Hibernation or motivation?


I don’t know about you but I absolutely LOVE the period between Christmas and New year’s.  Nothing to do.   No shopping.  No working.  No plans.  No wrapping.  No organizing.  No cleaning.  No cooking of big meals.  Noth-ing.  Just typing that makes me breathe easier.


There is something extra delicious when there is space.  Space in my calendar.  Space to think.  Space to pause.  Space to just BE.  And that is why I love this time of year.


As New Year’s approaches I always become more mindful and introspective.  I look back and I look forward.  It feels as though I am standing at a T-intersection.  2020 to my left and 2021 to my right.

I must confess that 2020 has been a year of indulgences – LOTS of extra eating and drinking – and not kale smoothies either.  As a result, I am not waiting for January 1 to clean up my diet a titch (or perhaps a bit more than a titch!).  Either way as I was hiking in the snow yesterday I got all inspired to really re-set my health.

  • Drink more water.

  • Eat more greens.

  • Move daily.

  • Stop drinking wine every day.

  • No electronics at bedtime.

  • Go plant-based diet.

  • Throw out all the cookies, carbs, snacks, dips and cheese in my fridge.

  • Stock up on turmeric and ginger.

Well you get the idea. Once I get motivated, I tend to go overboard on changing all my habits at once.  In case it isn’t obvious, this is the worst idea ever.  Try to change everything results in overwhelm and in the end you will change nothing or make the smallest of dents and then revert back to your old habits.

So I gave myself a good talking to and instead have opted to do three things for the next 30 days:

  1. Track my health (water, food and exercise)

  2. Commit to times of no-electronics.

  3. Pause for 10 minutes (at least) everyday.

I love using the energy of the seasons to guide me.  Here is the western hemisphere it is winter and the perfect time hibernate and move slow. Make decisions slowly.  Not be in a rush.  Maybe even sleep extra long (maybe not for 1000 days like bears can but I will leave that up to you!).

So the moral of this story is this:

If you find yourself super motivated, resist the urge to go hog-wild.  Set no more than 3 goals and look at tiny habits versus making great changes.

But if your find yourself not motivated in the least, honour that.  Sleep on it.  Literally.  Rest and allow your curiosity to lead you into the new year s-l-o-w-l-y.

There is no right or wrong way to start a new year.  Read that again.  No wrong.  No right.  Just what is right for YOU.

And if I can be of service in any way, just say the word.
