The in-between

There is something weird in the air in the week between Christmas and New years.  There is lots of pressure to start setting goals, intentions or make plans for an epic next year.  Then there is the pressure to start eating clean-er or drinking less or start exercising with a vengeance and get a head start on your new year habits you plan to commit to.


This may fly in the face of all the possible better-ing-yourself things you could be doing but this is what I recommend you do the week before New Year’s:




Just BE in the in between.  Be present.  With your people.  With your life.  With yourself.  And see what bubbles up.


The rush to start doing and planning gets in the way of the most important step in having a great year: BE-ing.


The art of doing nothing is not easy -especially if you are an over-achiever or a big planner type but just to be clear doing nothing is not lazy.  Far from it.  It is a powerful state where much clarity, energy and knowing can be harness.


Think of it like your version of ‘savasana’  - one of the simplest and most difficult postures in yoga.  Laying and just breathing without active thinking is tough which is why all those other poses help get you tired enough to drop into savasana and surrender to the whole point of yoga: BE-ing.


If you can find ways to BE then what you want to DO and HAVE can become clear.


So here’s to doing as much nothing as you can before you decide on all the somethings you want next year.


Happy New Year!
