48 days
48 days left in 2019.
Does that leave you excited? Defeated? Or somewhere in between? Personally I panicked a little because I know there are quite a few things on my to-do-this-year-list that are not looking like they are happening.
If you are in the mood to close your year feeling good, this post might serve you.
It’s pretty simple.
And it all rests with choosing ONE thing.
Pick one thing that really matters to you. My tendency is always pick multiple things I am working on and while that works sometimes, when there is less than 50 days left in the year, it’s time to give all my energy to one.
Sometimes the one thing isn’t all that obvious. If things are a little muddy I look at what I set out to do this year in terms of projects - business projects, family projects, health projects, mindfulness projects or just for me projects.
And then I pick one that will really mean something to me to complete.
It doesn’t mean the other ones do not matter.
Only that I am choosing this one right now.
Then I write it down.
This year I will…
And I sign it.
And this one goal becomes the heart of my to do list. Before laundry. Before going down email rabbit holes. Before social media. This goal gets done first.
If you are inspired to share your last goal of the year you are committed to, I would love to hear it.
To completing something,
It doesn’t mean you cannot give energy to anything else - just give energy to your ONE thing first.