Let’s talk about getting your life on track: your business life, your personal, your whole life.

If you are serious about making an impact on your business, community, or your world- without sacrificing the rest of your life to get there, I would love to talk!

I coach individuals, couples, and teams depending on their needs and goals.

Executive Coaching Services


I work with successful women entrepreneurs (and a few good men) that would like to maintain a work-life balance or are up-leveling their business or launching a passion project.  I also work privately with many professionals in network marketing from international businesses such as Isagenix International and Amplified Living Inc helping them build strong teams and trainings.

Let's nerd out of a second…back in the 1970's, Barry Commoner laid out some basic yet inescapable laws of ecology. His first law, "everything is connected to everything else" is SO relevant when it comes to my coaching practice. If we apply this ecological lens it's easy to see the connection between professional coaching and relationship coaching. Many business professionals sign up for coaching services with a work-life balance focus. Yet relationships are undeniably intertwined in the "life" part of that equation.

Relationship Coaching Services


Almost every relationship at some point needs a little work.  Intimate. Family.  Colleagues.  Co-workers.  Clients.  If you work, live or interact with humans then chances are you have experienced relationship break down.  I specialize in working with couples but the fundamental principles that apply to creating connected relationships with a lover can be also be applied to all kinds of relationships  - except for one obvious element! ;-)

I believe the greatest act of vulnerability is also the greatest act of courage: asking for help.


The first thing I get my clients to do is rate your relationship on a scale of 10. In other words, tell me the level of your relationship satisfaction, whatever that means with you.  

6 or 7 means they have a good relationship but

4 or 5 range means there are multiple problems that haven't been

4 and below is an indicator of trouble…

Have you heard of the saying, "old habits die hard?" There is so much truth behind that!

Approximately 95% of couples come to me after they're tried some form of traditional counselling. Whether that's therapy, relationship courses, e-books and it's just not working. They are in the same pattern of disconnect. It could be there are multiple problems in their relationship that have been neglected for a while and they are not seeing positive results.




Awareness - What are all my habits? What are all my triggers? How do I dig deep?

Mastery - The practice of changing these habits.

Integration - It becomes your new normal but you're still in the 2 steps back 2 steps forward. It’s a new mastery and it takes months.


  1. Discovery call - get to know your biggest challenge and most important results you are seeking.

  2. Co-create a coaching support system (live coaching sessions plus private email access).


If you are in a place where you have tried some things and you are not seeing the results you had hoped for, let’s talk.  You might be surprised at how having a plan that works can make you feel.

Let’s connect!