Mindset Coaching

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The simplest way to learn anything

So last week I am coaching a new couple I just started working with and at the start of the session I always ask for celebrations and I just had to share theirs.

First, a bit of back story. 

This couple came to me with a surprisingly common relationship breakdown story. They love each other. They want to stay married. But they fight. A lot.

And the fights last for hours or even days. So much so they are struggling to remember what they even like about each other anymore. And there always seems to be “something” that gets in the way of re-connecting.

If you have ever hot a rough patch in your relationship you can probably relate.

But this week, they were celebrating how powerful the relationship formula is. They are trying to really keep things “light” when they interact with each other and they are already noticing positive changes. They are so excited about this, they cannot stop sharing with friends who are also going through a ‘rough patch’.

Thus the celebration I want to share.

My clients told me every time they teach it to someone they know, the formula makes more sense to them and they find themselves really applying it.

Music to my ears!

I believe this little gem can be applied to anything you are trying to learn because when your teach something it always deepens your own learning.

If you don’t believe me, test it out.

Pick a new skill or something you are trying to learn. Spend a bit of time so you really understand it. Practise what you learned. Then find someone you can explain it to.

Learn it. Practice it. Teach it. Master it.

Then tell me how it went for you!

To sharing with friends,



If you want to learn the relationship formula check out my free video series that explains it. http://www.mindsetcoaching.com/mistakes


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