Mindset Coaching

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un coup de coeur

I love milestones. Important dates. Significant moments. Big birthdays. This year my husband turned 50 and given the choice to celebrate it any way he wanted, he chose Montreal.

To give this some contest, you have to understand that he is a HUGE Montreal Canadiens fan. As in his favourite hockey team. He grew up watching the game and for his birthday he wanted to see his favourite team play in their hometown arena.

So travel to Montreal we did.

But this trip isn’t just about hockey. It is about re-connecting with our dear friends. It is about exploring a province we have never been to. It is about immersing ourselves into francophone culture, Canadian history and some of the oldest architecture in North America.

We have seen some amazing sites and that alone has been great but each day’s adventures has been amplified by something you cannot get from a mere tourist attraction. The best part of our trip has been the people we have met and shared it with. We have been fed, surprised, pampered, toured and welcomed into the most amazing home and hearts this week. I cannot barely put it into words adequately.

There is an expression in French I learned this week - “un coup de coeur” which loosely translated means “a favourite moment”. Each night after all the busyness of the day we sit around a table and share our “un coup de coeur “. Where English and French blur into one delicious conversation. Sometimes this takes us over an hour to get through all the celebrating, gratitude and the joy we have felt from the day.

This noting of favourite moments has been the very best part of this trip.

Maybe you have a tradition like this too? If not, I invite you to try it. All you have to do is gather some people (your colleagues, your neighbours, your family, your friends) and gather around a table. Then simple share your “un coup de coeur “ or favourite moment of the day.

Your heart will thank you.

From Montreal with love,
