Sometimes big breakthroughs start out small
Sometimes big breakthroughs start out small
It’s Day 21 of my 30 day yoga challenge
and much has happened in the past three weeks.
Some days I have felt so strong and bad-ass
and others I could barely make it through the class.
But I have come each day never the less.
But today something extraordinary happened.
I opted out.
This is how it went down.
I was in class and it was busy.
Wall to wall mats with sweaty bodies.
And I noticed as we moved through the standing series
I was getting more and more fatigued.
By the time mid-way savasana rolled around
I was out of gas.
As the teacher queued the beginning of the floor series
I heard this gentle voice in my head:
And so I did.
I did not stretch my glutes, hip flexors or back.
I did not do one abdominal exercise.
Not one back bend, camel or pigeon.
I just laid there in savasana the rest of the class.
This seemingly small thing feels so big to me.
To simply give myself permission to not do anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it is good to explore,
find our edge and see what we are made of.
I do plenty of that and I know you do too.
Bu I also think it is good to not always do that.
To let go of the quest to find
one more pocket of superhero strength to get ‘er done
and instead, simply opt out.
Choosing rest.
Choosing restoration.
And deeply honour whatever part of you that needs to stop.
This was huge for me today.
Sometimes big breakthroughs start out small.
May you tune into yourself today.
Just tap into that part of you that knows your best path.
To listening,