Mindset Coaching

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If you give up anything, make it this.

January is such an awesome time for setting intentions, creating visions boards and generally making a plan for this year to be...better. I am in that mode of planning lots of better things  to do this year than I did last.  Basically my plan for this year is pretty simple.

Do more *and* less.

Like more yoga and less eating refined sugar.
More joyful yes’s and less obligatory ones.
More being present and less being distracted.
More writing and less thinking about writing.
More ways I help people and less only-one-way-to-work-with-me options.
More live concerts and less watching TV.

How about you?
What will you do more or less of this year?

Which brings me to the one thing I hope you give up this year.  This one thing is the killer of progress, moving forward and truly doing anything that you will be proud of come December.

And that one thing is this: second guessing yourself.

Make this the year you don’t.
Just decide things and be done with it.


Just choose.

Because second guessing erodes confidence, momentum and the very heart of great idea’s.
If you have a great idea, trust it.
Go with it.
Do waste your energy swimming in self-doubt.

There is much more important things to do.
Things that only you can do.

To being strong,


Last chance to jump into my first group coaching program of the year (starts Monday!) which is designed to help you get clear on your year with not just one, but two coaches to help you kick-start your success this year.
